

Osteopathy can be used to treat a wide range of ailments. Our patients come to our clinic in Clapham for treatment and pain relief for back pain, neck and shoulder pain, knee problems and more. We use a range of techniques to encourage the body’s tissues back to an expression of optimum health:

  • Hands-on gentle manipulation to align, relax and balance the spine.
  • Careful work with their hands on tight and painful muscles.
  • Work on your posture and structural make up to recover the natural ease and lift in the spine.
  • Advice on lifestyle and habits, including exercises, diet and stress reduction.
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Headaches & Neck Pain

Treatment from your osteopath may include a range of gentle manipulations to reduce tension in your muscles. Osteopathic massage techniques on your tissues, gently rocking your joints, can help to release tension, moving joints, and enabling pain-free movement.

Every individual is different, sometimes we may treat other areas of your back, neck or shoulders to get to the root of the problem. We will advise you how you can improve your posture through working, sitting or driving in a better position. We will advise on exercises or stretching techniques to minimise problems occurring in the future.

If necessary, we may refer you to your GP if we feel any additional treatments or investigations are necessary. Sometimes we may refer to for X-rays, scans or other tests if we feel this is appropriate.
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Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain is a common complaint and is treated regularly at our osteopathy clinic in Clapham, near Bedford. Shoulder pain can be caused by a number of conditions.

Rotator cuff problem - Regular movements using the shoulder and arm can have an impact, causing soreness or pain. Maybe this is occupation due to regularly doing the same movements at work, or maybe due to a sporting activity. Sometimes this is simply due to age.

Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis - As the name suggests, Frozen Shoulder is a condition in which pain or stiffness around the shoulder joint prevents you from moving your arm fully.

Referred shoulder pain - pain is experienced in an area away from the actual injury or problem e.g. pain in shoulder which is usually referred from the neck or upper back

Osteoarthritis – progressive wearing away of the cartilage of the joint leading to the two bones of the joint rubbing together causing pain. Patients who have had previous trauma or shoulder surgery are most likely to develop osteoarthritis in later life. Symptoms include swelling, stiffness, aching and sharp, stabbing pains.

Shoulder instability – dislocation or excessive movement of the shoulder joint.
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Back Pain

Back pain is very common, and one of the major reasons people come and visit an osteopath, it's one of the main things we treat at our osteopathy clinic in Clapham, near Bedford. Indeed, when you mention you have a bad back, most people will suggest you go and see either an osteopath or a chiropractor. At some point in our life, most of us will suffer from a bad back. 

Whatever your age, you may suffer from back pain, caused by sprains or strains to your muscles or ligaments. Sometimes this may be caused by injury, sometimes due to bad posture, such as sitting incorrectly at your work desk for example, or through lifting heavy objects. Stress, depression, or being overweight can also be influencing factors in back pain.

Back pain can manifest itself with either mild or severe pain, with maybe stiffness or tenderness to your back, or during movement. This can be anywhere around the upper half of your body from the neck to the pelvis. You may also feel numbness or pins and needles.

A lot of the time, you may find that your back pain will resolve itself. Sometimes though, your pain may be longer term, or may be linked to other symptoms. Your Osteopath can help diagnose and treat you, helping you understand your condition, and also suggest exercises and lifestyle/posture changes to help prevent a reoccurrence in the future.

If your Osteopath cannot directly help with your back pain, or if they feel there are other influencing factors, they may refer you for X-rays to help with a diagnosis or refer you to your GP for further investigation or tests.
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Knee Pain

As the largest joint in the body, and one that supports a lot of weight, it's one of the joints that's most often in need of treatment. At our osteopathy clinic in Clapham, Bedfordshire, we see a lot of injured knees! There are a number of causes of knee pain, and although knee pain can be very painful, and sometimes may have quite an impact on your day to day life, with the right exercise, advice, and treatment we can get you moving again. 

Knee pain is commonly the result of either sudden injury, or impact, often the case with sports injury for example, or by repetitive sprain placed on the knee joint over time. Either or these can lead to damage, strain or sprain to the structure of the knee. Sometimes poor alignment of the knee or kneecap, even misalignment of other joints such as the hip can lead to knee pain.

If you have pain or aching, swelling, maybe you have difficulty straightening or bending your knee, we'd recommend you make an appointment to see your osteopath.

As osteopaths we are trained to be able to tell you what is causing the pain in your knee. We can diagnose your problem and implement treatment to help you become pain free. Through massage and stretching, or manipulation of the affected area, we can get you back on your feet.
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